7 SKY event agency

White Hanging Flowers Wedding 

Bathed in white, the bride glows bright,
A vision of love in France's light,
Her gown, a symbol of purity,
As she takes her lover's hand in security.
In this land of romance and dreams,


Their love, like the white, forever gleams.
Kāzas Dienvidfrancijā bija pasakaini skaistas - visur bija balti ziedi, no sienām līdz griestiem, no grīdas līdz galdiem. Balta krāsa atstāja bez elpas, un šīs kāzas bija neaizmirstamas un burvīgas.
Griesti rotāti ar baltām puķēm, kas nolija eleganci un vieglumu atmosfērā. Grīda bija pārklāta ar baltu laku, kas padarīja to vēl spilgtāku un rotāja ar ziedu ziediem. No katra stūra varēja just šo romantiku un skaistumu, kas radīja neprātīgu burvību. Arī galda rotājumus veidoja no baltiem ziediem, kristalliem un aizraujošiem detaļām, kas radīja šarmantu un spilgtu noskaņu. 
Kāzas Dienvidfrancijā bija ne tikai kāzu ceremonija, bet gan arī pasaules skaistāko un romantiskāko vietu piedzīvojums. Šīs kāzas paliks atmiņā kā skaistākās, un pierāda, ka balta krāsa var būt tikpat saulaina, krāšņa un aizraujoša.

White Hanging Flowers Wedding  7skyevent

White wedding Large flower arrangements 7skyevent

White Hanging Flowers Wedding  7skyevent


Oh fair South of France, where beauty reigns supreme,
A wedding of wondrous elegance, like in a dream.
The decor, all in white, a sight to behold,
With flowers aplenty, a story was told.
From the ceiling, the blooms did hang,
And on the walls, they formed a grand tableau of life's sweet fang.
But on the tables, a sea of white,
As if in heaven's garden, the flowers took flight.
The air was alive with the scent of love,
As the bride and groom exchanged vows, like the angels above.
In the South of France, love bloomed true,
A moment to treasure, a memory anew.
So let us rejoice and give thanks,
For the beauty of the South of France, and the love that it ranks.
The wedding of wonder, a tale for the ages,


Where white flowers reigned, and love wrote its pages.

Next: Modern Gods : open air wedding with 3D multimedia decorations